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Again, longer listening to the ECI-5MkII found no dynamic complaints. Once I'd gotten used to the tonal balance, dynamics felt correct. Microdynamics seemed spot-on, the differences between the weighting of individual notes or even within a single note teased out nicely. Spatially the amp invited absorption in grandly broad and deep spaces. Aided by its impressive bass foundation the Norse box erected a very wide expansive stage which was clearly larger than with my TEAD/Jeff Rowland combo. This was seriously big cinerama scope. Width was perhaps emphasized a tad more than depth but that served most recordings well. Placement of individual performers was cleanly fixed and transients didn’t interfere. Outline sharpness could have been more precise however. Here the ECI 5’s more generous handling was felt again. I couldn’t hear noteworthy differences between RCA and XLR feeds, at least not via Benchmark’s DAC1 USB which our editor kindly made available to check on the balanced inputs. Comparisons to my Heed DAC meanwhile proved how easily the Electrocompaniet locked onto performance offsets between sources—I much preferred the Heed—and also various recordings.

Conclusion. Enough vivisection. Electrocompaniet’s ECI-5MkII clearly wasn’t tuned for scalpel-wielding surgeons. Its true virtues won’t reveal themselves to bean counters. They emerge when you’re simply letting the amp to its job – serve up compelling music without hassle month after month. Should other amps strike you as somewhat anaemic, here’s your antidote. For a price current competition would have to call very attractive, Electrocompaniet’s ECI-5MkII seems targeted specifically at buyers whose sturm & drang period is behind them to now focus on long-term comfort. This is an amp to grow old with.

Psych profile…
  • Tonally on the agreeably warm rather than edgy/lit-up side. Misses the last dose of treble air but sounds exceptionally clean and distortion-free.
  • Endowed with a generous well-defined bass with massive extension which could be too much for speakers demanding high levels of control. Speakers without need for high damping will be great game however.
  • Plays music with taut timing where the interplay of rhythm makers like drums and bass evidences nuance and enthusiasm.
  • Stages very broadly and deep while image focus isn’t as sharply edged as the competition.
  • Offers a very good price/performance ratio if the innate voicing appeals.

  • Dimensions and weight: 483 x 405 x 135mm WxDxH, 20kg
  • Trim: black
  • Socketry: 6 x line level in (2 x XLR, 4 x RCA), main-in, 1 x rec-out, two pre-out (XLR and RCA), single-wire speaker terminals
  • Power consumption: 1 watt standby, 100 watts at idle
  • Other: Remote control
  • Warranty: 3 years
  • Website
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