"We don't like to critique what others are doing because everyone has their own approach. I will simply say that we didn't pursue the Telos path because we don't want to interfere with the live/neutral connection with a PCB in the power path. That strangles current delivery. It's why many filters/cleaners minimize noise but also sound bright. That brightness represents compromised dynamics. Placing anything in front of the transformers of power supplies in hifi gear generally incurs some limitation to the current's propagation speed.

"Our approach relies on a combination of parts between FFT module and cable. Both need to be in perfect sync or this wouldn't work. It's why FFT is compatible only with certain models and not our older cable generations. The difference in our new FFT-compatible cables is their added conductive weave. That not only carries the FFT counter signal but also protects the cable from interference with it. The FFT signal pulses at high intensity to constantly 'blast away' airborne magnetic attacks. For zero interference, this protective action is completely separate from the current delivery of the power cable. And whilst the power supply for the module does switch, it's purpose-designed by us so not a generic cheap wall wart of dubious quality. During previous tests with Queens we discovered that one of the largest current issues with power signal quality is airborne interference. It's why we've been working on our FFT solution for many years to ensure that we could actively shield our cables without placing anything into their actual power path."

Speculators see that between £400 Eros and £600 Eros Signature, the fatter cord above has 4 x 6mm OCC copper legs with a multi-core dual drain wire, extruded PTFE aka polytetrafluoroethylene dielectric and braided steel screen for the FFT with a 35A overall rating. The lighter version scales back to 3 x 5mm PCC copper legs, a 30A rating and eliminates the outer spiraling wire. Both use cryo-treated MK mains plugs with upgraded fuse and cryo'd red-copper Wattgate IEC. EU and US versions get Titan's own gold-plated alternates. The FFT power supply's cable is 1.5m long. That module attaches to the cable's load end by Velcro then plugs into the FFT connector exiting the IEC plug. Each FFT power cord thus occupies two outlets.

On the materials front, both cables exploit OCC copper to minimize crystalline boundaries for what Titan Audio have measured is higher current conduction. The following illustration is from this website. It shows standard annealed copper above; and Ohno Continuously Cast copper below. The latter shows far reduced molecular fracturing. It's like a baby's skull being deformed during birth. The vital difference is that said deformation is only temporary and precisely why skull seams only set firm after birth. Giving birth to copper by squeezing it through a die for the desired shape/thickness leaves permanent scars. That's what the upper images show.