When my UPS tracker arrived detailing 62kg freight across three cartons, it showed two green Schuko-terminated Isotek 3m Initium power cords; one 1.5m version; and one red pair of QED Reference 4 XRL interconnects at 3m. Lindemann were serious about instant satisfaction except for short jumpers. 20cm will do the job as long as it's pure bananas. With all my jumpers having one or two spade ends, I bought this set from France's Audiophonics. Back to the stack it would connect, a powerful magnet lock firmly secures our won't-move Move atop the Groove. It allows Norbert to execute its top at a minor slant to aim the widebander up.

The low/high bass units mirror image so we decide how to orient them. Their circular grills inset so tightly that I didn't dare apply undue force to remove them for a photo op. The Groove offers ±4dB bass level variability in 1dB steps plus mute. Its XLR or RCA input is selected by slider. The bigger bass clef logo of the Groove inverts colours on that of the Move. The former is ivory on a dark grey background, the latter dark grey on ivory which stands proud of the dark grey grill. It's a clever play on a classic 2-tone scheme. Most homes could prefer its clean modernity over the nude look with flashy copper cone exposed. First we go nekkid and solo on my desktop. What goes on in the office stays in the office.

And sexy it got on a core quality. Whenever we greet any hifi encounter with technical foreknowledge, it's common to expect a certain sonic profile. If we're honest with ourselves, tech predictions are often let down by reality. Routinely theory converts to little or no practical relevance. Our silver bullet is a sham. Yet the lightweight unpretentious Move polished it up to a sheen with Jochen's chosen word. Immediacy. Coming off my Acelec Model One 2-ways, that Mark Audio widebander with its direct drive and no energy-sucking spider really made enough of a behavioural difference to matter. Theory and deliverance overlapped. Vampire dead. Damsel in distress safe.

To I need to break down immediacy? Let's. Higher intensity like a peak experience. It has our senses keener, our perception more luminous. A quickening blood thinner. Witnessing distance shrinks, even drops away. We're more in touch with and touched by what is; musical charge in this instance. Subliminal vagueness and reluctance evaporate. We're more hardwired into the music. There's less between. That higher flux of energetic communicativeness factored instantly. Yet it wasn't the open-window-on-the-music trope. Windows are about seeing through to keep us separate from what we see. Opening a window just removes thin glass. Still we stand aloof like that proverbial watcher on a hill. The Move trait wasn't about looking out then seeing more though that too factored. The primary difference was a deeper sense of constant emotive energy transmission within the sounds. Familiar resistance of a distance-inducing medium or a foot on the brake of musical momentum had left. Despite so many words, it was a very simple direct effect. That's the whole point. This quality was instant and easily heard. Reinstating my inner witness to weigh audiophile quantities, my nearfield setup showed complete bandwidth on either end. This obliterated any notions of Groove addition. As a desktopper, Move is all we need. Really. Does it come with qualifications? Just one. A flamenco guitar like Rafael Cortés plays and records it for example—close-mic'd prickly percussiveness, zero reverb—won't have any fuzz and blur aka warmth to dress up its unsheathed zing and hide behind. That's its recorded truth as confirmed by my Raal ribbon headphones. If you prefer this shock value editorialized so tamed, this could feel too 'live'. Then you best move to elsewhere.

It's on close-up recordings that the Move's quicker behaviour more overtly steps on the gas. It strips leading edges of varying degrees of indecisiveness aka time confusion. Notes let go with less lingering aka energy storage. Hello quickening. Huzzah deslagging. Putting the vast majority of the audible bandwidth on one cone also benefitted imaging beyond the already brilliant if traditional 2-way Acelec. The Move is an office speaker par excellence. It's neatly oblivious to a big curved 34" computer monitor which common sense predicts should prevent any depth layering. Not. Integration between AMT and mains with its deliberate cork damper in the purely mechanical domain proved astonishingly effective. What a bold move. Would it repeat in my smaller room where I sit at 3m and the speakers are ~2m out from the front wall? Whilst waiting for my jumper set from France to arrive, I used Groove as an inactive stand to drive the monitors from my usual 250wpc Kinki Studio EX-M7 amp.