Psych profile for the Grandinote Shinai …
• plays very deep, powerful and differentiated right down into the infrasonics and controls that action better than many far more powerful muscle amps.
• tends to the tonally rich, minimally warm faction of integrated amplifiers.
• has a natural very transparent midrange without discernable colorations.
• performs with maximum freedom, openness, airiness and, in the best sense of the word, high resolution without the slightest hint of crystalline hardness.
• realizes unexpectedly powerful broad-scale dynamics given its moderate power specifications. It only lacks the very last punch compared to one or the other monster amp.
• has outstanding microdynamic differentiation.
• projects a three-dimensional tangible sound field with lots of space between the performers.
• casts spaciousness that seems almost boundless in all dimensions. One feels tempted to emphasize the depth of the spatial image but then would belittle the horizontal and vertical expanse.
• is outstandingly crafted.
• weighs 40 kilograms, more than one would think given the relatively compact baffle.

Concept: Class A transistor integrated
• Dimensions: 318 x 196 x 473mm WxHxD
• Weight: 40kg
• Finish: Black-anodized aluminum and stainless steel
• Analog inputs: 2 x XLR, 2 x RCA
• Power rating: 27wpc into both 8 and 4 ohms
• Power consumption at idle: ~200 watts