Two stout black plastic-wrapped cartons were suspiciously smaller than expected—2 of 2 confirmed completeness regardless—yet the stands, two cleverly nestled to a box, still arrived fully assembled. In the other box, all accessories bundled in an insert box atop the speakers. Those showed up pampered in branded draw-string cloth bags. This was hot class A packaging all around.

The good times kept rolling with how easily these petite speaker attach to their stands.

One removes two hex bolts on the belly [marked 'replace' in the photo], parks a tripod upside down atop it, then uses two longer bolts to make a very firm connection.

This is also the right time to insert the adjustable fat rubber bumpers. Their locking discs afford easy leveling for crooked floors. It's something Kroma Audio's bespoke €2'800/pr Krion stands for their Mimí monitor didn't think of.

If your setup needs adjusting however—ours here does for the left speaker—Fram's thoughtfulness comes very much appreciated.

Getting wired up was just as easy. To exploit a premium Chris Sommovio Tombo Trøn S/PDIF cable, I moved the Soundaware A280 SD card transport out of its usual shelf close to the right Midi 150. The Bakoon AMP-12R's little stand became its unceremonious perch.

Then came the cables. Power link to SMPS to wall outlet. Included 5m RCA cable to left speaker tucked beneath carpet for cleaner optics. Coax from source to right speaker. Done.

Reducing volume to zero just in case before pressing play on a 140-track break-in play list, I had instant sound. Now I ramped up SPL to full-pleasure intensity from the seat with the futuristic pencil remote. Everything worked perfectly idiot proof even for hifi grannies.

That remote came with another nicety…

… a little wooden cradle with engraved symbols. Those remind the absent-minded professors what its four buttons do. If you can't translate a universal power glyph, '+',  '-' and 'in' into proper actions, you'd not be reading this. One expects such stylishness from mega corporations like Apple or Samsung. To get them from a small boutique firm in Krakow simply warms the heart of anyone who'd rather give their business to the little guys. If you misplace the remote, be happy. Don't worry. Its controls are replicated on the rear panel of the master speaker.

To drive home the visual reality that Midi 150 only needs a source to start belting it out, I overlaid the usual stack of electronics with a 'stop' sign in the next shot. None of it was needed. No more altar to hifi. In fact even this source would still tuck away for cleaner cosmetics; and a Soundaware Esther DAP sneak into the pyramidal snug of the stand on a Belkin charger which connected to the 5V power port. Rule #5 in the Book of Good Housekeeping: keep your hifi tidy and it'll sound better. Don't laugh. Psychology factors as well. Messy man caves are so 20th century.

If we add up very smart Scandinavian design with top-notch fit'n'finish and easy functionality, Fram's compact Midi 150 are what John Darko over in his Berlin digs calls FutureFi – handsome, smart and decorator delirious to the extreme. Ivette gave them an immediate thumbs up and commented on how small they were and how lovely the oak stands. Which is rather the exception around here.