Here's a collection of close-up shots on the wizardry of advanced PCB design and packaging chops.
The transformer seems impossibly small of diameter for the job were it not for its extra depth concealed in the footer.
Just one pair of complimentary lateral Exicon Mosfets handle the heavy lifting per channel.
The volume control's relays handle the switching of the gain-set resistors.
In Bakoon's signature orange, plastic covers hide their crown jewels of the Jet Satri circuit.
One could remove them of course for some industrial espionage but that should rely on paid-up ownership.
Compared to amps loaded with coke-can sized storage caps, the AMP-13R gets by with just 4 compact 8'400μF units.
Here's a final look at the 6.3mm headphone socket and mains fuse before this again became a closed and shut case.