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Image Audio is another Chinese valve audio brand with numerous speaker models, albeit not the ones shown.

Ditto for Jaton of Taiwan whose operational scope goes well beyond pure audio products however. For those, click here.

JE Audio appears to be the brand of Jonce Technology Ltd and makes a number of upscale valve electronics. The VM60 is a more traditional-looking 4 x KT88 amplifier with "dual balanced feedback topology" while the balanced VS70 amp and matching preamp sport horizontally mounted tubes inside a central square opening for a very distinctive and original appearance. Our man Edgar in Oz has the preamp on review.

Jolida by Shenda Sound of course is familiar to the West as one of the early pioneers of the China audio export phenom. Shown below are their new JD845 and JD801S models. Jolida's appearance has come a long way. The website listed on their professional brochure doesn't seem to work, however.

Jungson of China's GuangDong province has a very deep line of both valve and transistor gear, speakers and cables. Their Impression CD player and JA-88D are merely the tip of the iceberg. My camera settings in their dimly lit room were truly off so I scanned in an image from their impressive catalogue for a better representation. As we already saw with Melody, HiVi Swans and Dussun and will again with Sheng Ya, Chinese fabrication know-how has reached scary levels. Scary for the West that is. While PrimaLuna's Herman van den Dungen still feels that particularly their transistor circuits remain somewhat antiquated and basic, time and experience are on China's side. Give them a few more years.

Karan Acoustics from Serbia and Kuzma from Slovenija collaborated to represent Eastern Europe.

KEF joins Tannoy in upholding the dual-concentric faith.

The huge Muons have attracted plenty of attention ever since their launch but seeing them in the flesh proved underwhelming. From finger-print magnet to undue mass to a strange combination of curves and vertical baffle, their beauty passed the eye of this beholder. Which only goes to show that taste is unaccountably personal.

Klipsch duplicated its Milan collaboration with McIntosh and those who would relegate this speaker brand to the loud & coarse testosterone audience of car-audio fanatics might be pleasantly surprised by the new flagship model.

Krell's S-300i integrated was on silent display.

Kunhap Audio Technology operates out of the Economy Technology Development Area in Beijing and makes electronics under the O.A.T. brand name. The room was too busy to get clean shots so a website visit is called for.

LA Audio of Taiwan handed out professional CD/ROMs of their lineup and as their show presence indicates, here is yet another brand of Chinese valve gear to make keeping track in this sector almost impossible.

The following large exhibit found me in the throes of sensory overload with its concomitant failure to register anything vital. Hence I filed the room under
Lago due to the prominent sign though I doubt that's the name of the speaker brand. Alas, I'm pulling blanks so curious readers will have to do their own legwork. My apologies to the exhibitors!