As Marja & Henk's review of their €2'450/pr Alpha F3 reported, sounddeco are an unusual company. A spin-off of the very established Witowa furniture factory with their own massive wood shop and paint facility, they're also the domestic importer for SB Acoustics drivers which are designed by ex ScanSpeak personnel and manufactured—with pride as it says on the motors—in Indonesia. And, sounddeco are an established speaker cabinet OEM for other companies.

With these ingredients in place, launching their own speaker brand must have been inked in the heavens by Saint Pjotr. At Warsaw, they had arguably the largest presence of any domestic brand. This however only came together in the last moment. They'd originally signed up for a smaller room to play it more modest and conservative. Hence designer Grzegorz Matusiak had readied the below white model of their new Reference line based on SB Acoustics' top Satori drivers.

Then show organizer Adam Mokrzycki had contacted them with a late opening for a far bigger space. Now Grzegorz figured the white speakers wouldn't be room-filling enough. Hence he readied the below big guns, in BMW's version of the Mercedes Benz colour Sepang Brown. This being a last-minute project, he wasn't entirely happy yet with the tonal balance and let on that once back in the factory, he'd turn the tweeter down a bit more. But already this line-source two-way with the horn-loaded tweeter had unbelievable dynamics and density. Think high-SPL Yello.

Chatting with the very affable sounddeco team a bit after hours, they openly confessed to how really the missing piece of their puzzle—incidentally a sentiment that would be echoed by various other Polish companies too—was a savvy international sales & marketing manager who could open the right export doors and advise them on things like model names, configurations, colours, specs, pricing and the lot.

Sonically they're already there. But having design and build acumen doesn't yet equal knowing what you should design and build, exactly. As experienced observers know, superior product is only about 30% of the battle. The remaining 70% which ultimately lead to success in the global market are all about - yes, proper marketing. Hence the right person reading this should, by all means, feel invited to contact sounddeco for just such a position. Living in Poland wouldn't be a requirement at all; being mature, truly experienced, resourceful and properly networked very much so. As sounddeco put it, being a Polish hifi vendor is like living inside a fish bowl. It tells you nothing about the big wide world around you.

On the subject of attendance cost for exhibitors, I asked what sounddeco's above big space cost. €2'000. That's less than 1/5th of what half the size sells for at the Munich HighEnd. Non-Polish manufacturers contemplating attendance for 2015 might factor that into their decision making...