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Acoustic Signature turntables from Germany.

A new pocket amp from Furutech subsidiary ADL.

A prototype new ADL headphone.

Euro Airtight importer Art Manzano of Axiss with a new micro range designed by the ex-Sony folks who launched the superb mini Olasonic egg-shaped computer speakers.

One of the prettiest small speakers to my eye is the Albedo Aptica, a compact very rakish two-way tower with Helmholine loading. Pricing starts at €7.450/pr and maxes out at €9.380. If you had to ask, yes it's Italian.

Alkemia Vero's speaker caught my eye for using the Manger bending-wave driver. Italian too.

Apertura speakers from France.

Audio Exklusiv from Germany for the electronics and stats

Audio Physic in peppy colors livened up this hallway...

... a good deed for which two shots seemed à propos.

audio-technica from Japan sports real wood even for these portable headphones.

Backes & Müller wall of sound.

B.M.C. from Germany/China offers complete systems and...

... recently added this DAC/headphone amp called simply Pure DAC.

Voxativ split with piano maker Schimmel, Bösendorfer was bought by Yamaha to close the Bösendorfer speaker division. But those designs found a home with Brodmann Pianos under the logical name Brodmann Acoustics whilst Voxativ is doing fine without Schimmel. Steinway has their own speakers too. Any other piano company ready to go hifi?

The tri-concentric Cabasse speakers on stilts.

Capriccio Continuo under the aegis of very smart speaker/driver designer Joseph Szall.

Germans love hornspeakers from Acapella to Avantgarde Acoustic to here Cessaro showing with Tron electronics.

Chord's design ethic suggests space ships, mutants and other futuristic developments - some models more than others.

This stack seems just a tad more conventionally styled but...

... this model goes the full light year I think. Is that planet earth captured under the spy glass?