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Having opportunity to inspect Morel's Fat Lady up close and personal, I have to say that the Carbon fiber finish over the glass-fiber core still isn't on par with Grand Prix Audio's work particularly around the drive units. Upscale performance ambitions with challenging technologies implemented aren't enough these days. Superior finish is just as essential to compete at the top. Here Morel's speaker still has some way to go if it is meant to be more than a design exercise and proof of concept that could inspire tricke-down real-world models instead.

Taking over for TruLife Audio at the Munich HighEnd show earlier this year, NAT Audio from Serbia dominated the high-power SET sweepstakes in two exhibits, both properly dimmed for thermionic emission effects. The Magma monos are available in 'M' designation—80 watts from an Eimac 250TH (equivalent TB4/800) driven from a 6N2P-EV—or straight where they output 160 watts from an Eimac 450TH driven from a 6N1P-EV coupled to a 6N30P-DR, both with a high 27dB gain factor.

The Xenon plasma effect AC conditioner below runs two NL5545s to output a constant claimed 2530 VA. It sports 6 outlets, two assigned for digital with "inverse filtration", four for analog.

The Pearl Evolution speakers were my second most exciting find in Milan this year. The line currently spans four Ballerina models distinguished by the size of woofer—8" or 12"—and the use of one or two midrange domes. The 301-8" (three drivers, eight-inch woofer) retails for €3.500/pr, the 401-8" for €4.200, the 301-12" for €4.700/pr and the top 401-12" for €5.700. All drive units are by Swans of China and the unclosures are a clever variation on the open-baffle concept with very fine woodwork.

This is one of very few rooms I spent some time listening based on which I think that what your money buys you here is a lot of performance indeed.