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Naturally the following "Allegro" exposed mild limits particularly when the mellower slow movement had upped the volume position. The third movement really does ratchet things up with full symphonic forces, belting sharp brass salvos and plenty of big kettle drums. Obviously 20cm cubed eventually runs out of steam to get tonally midrange-centric whilst compressing on dynamics. But who’d enter the Paris-Dakar rally with a BMW Mini?

Kudos go to a near perfect avoidance of self noise which really necessitates on-grill ears to make out at all. Many price-competing active speakers suffer noticeable hum by contrast. In general I felt that digitally fed data fared better than analog. Little surprise was that hi-rez fare came off better even with a wired rather than wifi connection. The analog input wasn’t bad but sounded a bit milder and on matters of resolving power and detail magnification less differentiated than ‘digital post’ was on the cabled Ethernet van. But I applaud the addition of the RCA input for the greater flexibility it offers.


On the subject of which, Teufel’s Raumfeld Cube system really is exceptionally flexible and practical without sacrificing performance for various multi-room applications. Its compact exterior doesn’t begin to suggest all the included functionality nor the very mature sonics resulting from it. Setup and initialisation are child’s play and—unlike many far costlier systems—impress with good design, self-explanatory navigation, clever structuring and smart featurisation. Sonic highlights are very precise imaging and a well-sorted tonal balance without shenanigans but a solid maximization of physical limits.

Psych profile of the Raumfeld Cubes… 
• under normal conditions (no excessive volumes, no palatial spaces) play very balanced and undistorted. Obviously bass conforms to size limits but given proper conditions impresses as profound and substantial. The midband is well differentiated. The treble could be more finely resolved but this mellow rather than spiky voicing benefits long-term consumption and counters market trends.
• For small rooms and medium levels, the macrodynamic scope is perfectly adequate to rock out.
• For the price the microdynamics are very good indeed.
• A true forte is the ability to float a free soundstage of realistic width. In a bookshelf setup depth is obviously compromised but that’s regained in free space.
• Fetching vitality which avoids painting with a broad brush.
• In bigger spaces and at higher SPL—neither of which were part of this project brief—heavy fare will trigger the usual limits of compression and distortion for compact speakers.

• Concept: WLAN/LAN active multi-room stereo speaker executed as a 2-way coax bass reflex
• Inputs: 1 x analog, RJ45 LAN, WLAN, USB (sticks and hard drives), can stream Android and iOS
• Trim: White body, black grill
• Power consumption: 0.4w in standby
• Dimensions and weight: 195 x 195 x 195mm, 7.5kg
• Warranty: 2 years
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