Totally. Whether on two hi-rezzing DAPs, a laptop tubing the You, a vintage iPod reading red books, a contemporary Galaxy phone or a premium stationary amp with high current drive, the 99 Neo always played the BMW, never the VW. On ambient techno with beaucooper bass, it dished out low freqs with true enthusiasm. It felt fully grown up like a Mini which looks small from the outside but is plenty roomy for a 6'4" chap. With leading edges never sharp for a round warm-ish very chunky attitude, it served energetic comfort sound: energetic because the bass and power region had kick and oomph; comfort because it all played in the sizzle-free zone. Think integration not separation; dialled for more organic flair than analytical focus.

The Arabian Rouh Trio on YouTube.

Ear wrestling. Next to the 99 Classic, Final's Sonorous III have been my favourite ~€300 cans. It thus was a foregone conclusion. Neo would have to wrestle them. The outcome? Neo was clearly more potent down low and also in the upper bass where many of the rhythm makers and beat keepers live. This made its presentation fuller, denser, darker and warmer. Also, its edging was fluffier or fuzzier. The III were the more open or illuminated from the presence region on up. They felt more linear and a tad drier, with more sparkle, separation and resolution. On expertly recorded soundstager tracks, Final's virtues cast the spacier more distant imagery. With Neo, things moved closer, got more tightly packed, material and earthy. On wear comfort, Neo took the nod for being lighter and smaller. On loudness as a function of impedance/sensitivity, both were almost exactly the same. On flavour, it was a bit of a chocolate and vanilla thing though rather narrower in delta. The Meze was no Audeze LCD-2 chocoholic. Still, here the Final represented the lighter vanilla version.

More wrestling. By contrast, the folding Focal Spirit One felt less stylish and materially cheaper, with some mechanical clatter and smaller more pressurized on-ear cups. Sonically it was paler and without Neo's particular impact, scale and booty. Where Final and Meze played on the level to just look at the scenery from the same elevation if by different windows and angles, the smaller €199 Focal lived one floor down. Costing less, that was perfectly appropriate.

Juiciness. 85M on the Soundaware Esther Pro, 35L on the more powerful Questyle QP1R where M and L stand for medium and low gain settings respectively. Somewhat above half mast on an older iPad Mini; at ~85% on a 160GB iPod; between 8-9 on my Samsung; at 22 on the volume slider of the above HP Pavilion laptop with Win10 running PowerMediaPlayer. Clearly Neo was a properly non-fussy sort. It drank from pretty much any straw without breaking any camels. The same non-fussy happiness extended to sonics. Precisely because of the voicing sketched out above, the Meze sounded admirably attractive and full no matter how presumably low-rent its driver was. Serious audiophiles love to hate anything computer and smartphone. Predictably, sticking an HD800 into one of those becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. That further cements the hate. Meze's design brief strategically signed the small print "right tool for the job". Neo was bred for this level and type source. It's why 'upgrading' to something more 'serious' does less than you might think. These headphones already give what they have to give with an iPad. Sure, you will notice a bit more of this and that if you go to a COS Engineering H1. We'll get to that. Key is that the core flavour stays put. So does your basic enjoyment already live off an iPad. This isn't a combo that needs to be corrected. Neo's built-in balance sees to it. It's a true every(wo)man recommendation. It plays with what you've already got, not what you still need to buy. That's fun and seriously relevant!