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Regarding JPLAY’s software now up to v 5.2, it just keeps getting better and better since I first reviewed it. Many of the functionality features are enhanced over previous versions for more flexibility and ease of use when used as a plug-in with other music playback software. Sonically each new version seems to give a more open clearer window on one’s music collection. I am reluctant to get into specifics on sound per se. There are so many options and settings with JPLAY that alter the sound, it is near impossible to describe. What sounds right to me with my PC setup will sound completely different with another. In fact that enormous customization can be a little confusing to newcomers. I prefer to keep most settings such as buffers as low as possible while using the Xtream engine. Others may prefer the ULTRAStream, River or Beach engines. In emails with JPLAY’s creators the difference between each engine is primarily in how each manages memory yet all offer bit-perfect output. I cannot say why such a thing could be but the more I learn about file -based playback, the more I realize we don’t know. Download a free trial version and try for yourself. If you don’t hear a difference, save your money and stick with iTunes or whatever playback software you currently use.

JPLAY’s JCAT USB and LAN cables offered a readily noticeable uptake in my enjoyment of file-based music playback that was in line with their asking price. As hard as that may be for some to digest, Ethernet and USB cable seem to have an effect on sound quality and one’s enjoyment of music. I found the JCAT superior to the Transparent, Cardas and Nordost I had on hand. It wasn’t a game changer like the LightSpeed but it came close at a considerable savings. With respect to Ethernet cables, I have no experience with other aftermarket high-end audio models such as offered by AudioQuest yet the JCAT was notably superior to any of the generic CAT5, 6 and 7 cables I had on hand. I can’t wait to see what’s next from these guys on the hardware front. JPLAY continues to set the pace for me in PC-based music playback software and I suspect its creators aren’t done by a long shot in squeezing more juice from the lemon.

If your music storage and playback chain includes USB and Ethernet cables and you are looking for an upgrade in sound quality, do consider the JCAT USB and LAN products. Remember to add JPLAY to the list as well.

Quality of packing: More than acceptable.
Reusability of packing: Seems reusable several times.
Condition of component received: Perfect.
Completeness of delivery: No issues.
Website comments: Lots of info including active user forums.
Human interactions: Couldn’t be better.
Pricing: Compared to similar products, fine value.
Final comments & suggestions: A more comprehensive user manual for JPLAY software would be helpful especially for new customers.

JCAT website