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For the speaker cables, the Arkana Aequilibrium played it quite faithful to the preceding chain. Given that the voicing of the Madison Audio Labs Extreme 2 is very similar, it should come as no shock that the two were far more alike than not. Comparisons mirrored my interconnect comments, only to a considerably smaller degree. The Arkana showed a little more level in the upper bass down to about 50 cycles where the Extreme 2 was a bit leaner. Otherwise the Madison was a bit more dynamically polite, the Arkana a bit more vivid and smooth. Current in-house power cords topped out at $580 for the Audio Art SE so I had nothing in my collection that was even remotely near to the plus ultra tier of the Corona Magi. Without access to comparable product, the real question was what did the Arkana power cable contribute over the lower-priced fare? The DAC-2 challenge was a real eye opener and hit home how a choice of power cords can alter the sonic results of a system. The switch from DAC to amplifier demonstrated how the same AC cord could give entirely different results in two applications. For the DAC the Corona was definitely a step into the dark side of the force which got chocolaty dense and intense yet on the Bel Canto amplifier it welcomed the lighter side of life with passion. The Suprema Flamen walked in a sunnier climate. Let’s compare DAC results first.

The Magi immediately followed the DH Labs Power Plus. Based on price alone this should have been a one-sided battle. The fact that it wasn’t clearly demonstrates the perils of application choices plus the underestimated suitability of the DH Labs in this junction. The positive contributions of the far costlier Corona Magi were better top-end smoothness, additional midrange and upper midrange dynamics and slightly lighter extreme bass response. The DH Labs countered with more pronounced leading-edge definition and greater power in the subsonic range. Whether or not that greater power was more accurate is debatable. The Magi pumped more density into images but also created a considerably darker hall with a comparative reduction in soundstage width. The DH Labs was somewhat more extended but less smooth on top. Images were not as well defined as the Arkana but soundstage dimensions were broader and more illuminated. The Arkana was overall superior in some respects but did not emerge the undisputed champion.

The Suprema Flamen may be half the cost of its Corona mate but on the DAC was the clearly happier performer. How it compared with its bigger brother has already been described so back to the DH Labs for a character study. This time there was no dispute. With the Suprema Flamen the DAC had wider dynamic range, better dimensionality and superior smoothness. It played a nice tightrope act between fully organic and transparent. The DH Lab was politer and a touch drier in the midrange. The Flamen almost matched the soundstage dimensions of the DH and populated it with more lifelike images. So the Suprema Flamen shone superior to the DH Labs and in a surprising upset, also to its higher priced sibling for this component match. Next was the Corona Magi versus the Audio Art SE on the Bel Canto EVO 200.4.

Again this was a David and Goliath contest on the fiscal meter. The Corona Magi is only one step below the company’s top-flight Dominus Ignis cord. The Audio Art Power1 SE is an overachieving product whose maker has only recently superseded it on his very top and while not inexpensive was at a disadvantage on price by several rungs. The SE can belt out dynamic vitality and power with fast reaction times. Bass control and power are resolute. It pushes tonal response a touch towards the extremes by emphasizing clarity and articulation a bit over absolute warmth and dimensionality. Call the Audio Art SE a slight nudge into the transparency camp. The Corona Magi struck out a bit into the opposite direction on frequency and dimensionality, with a slightly warmer tone where image density took precedence. Bass proved surprisingly similar on response, power and control. For dynamics the Corona showing a touch of superiority in the ranges which Arkana prioritize. On smoothness the Magi had the advantage. In this application it was clearly better. Surrounded by a full Arkana loom, the Corona Magi came out ahead, matching the Audio Art’s strong points and adding layers of refinement to justify the additional cost.

Where the Suprema Flamen had scored a clear victory over the Corona Magi and DH Labs on the DAC, it was a different story on the amplifier. Both Corona and Audio Art SE were able to muster more bass power, density and warmth. In this pairing the extra exuberance in the upper mids was unbalanced by a little leanness below, robbing the sound of a bit of weight and apparent horsepower. In this circumstance the Corona and SE were the better matches. Where would I place the Arkana loom of cables in the overall hierarchy? Quite high although the fact that none of the cables submitted were their very best effort indicates unexplored headroom. I found the Exquisotor interconnects to be phenomenal in their ability to convincingly portray the physical presence of instruments. They should make a good fundamental foray into the character of the Arkana cables, especially for those who build their system incrementally. The speaker cables delivered suitable levels of dynamic nuance and power whilst preserving and refining the character ahead of them in superb fashion. This also defines their contribution as considerably more subtle. They should be a suitable candidate in a wide variety of cable loom combinations. Good power cords enable the components they serve and in the right circumstances both the Corona Magi and Suprema Flamen delivered the goods. My listening tests demonstrated that appropriate matching was mandatory however to be a strong caveat.

Are the Arkana Physical Research cables the paradigm shift its designers might hope them to be? Tough to call. While they proved clearly superior to my own mid-level products, a sampling of their ‘magic’ can be found downscale with the Madison Audio Labs Extreme Standard 1 interconnects (minus the obvious higher level of sophistication and power the Arkana is capable of). As to the question of how Arkana stack up against equivalently priced contenders, we’ll see what Srajan reports in his parallel report. Here are the core virtues of the Arkana loom to consider. These cables respond fast enough to keep music lively without sounding etched. They are sufficiently warm and vivid to be uniformly appealing over a wide range of recordings. Relevant detail is high. Grunge is low. Bottom line, if you want your digital system to retrieve some of the relaxed organic appeal of analog vinyl, this could be your ticket. Who should be interested and who should walk away? If accuracy translates for you into razor sharp, etched and chilly transparency, this won’t satisfy. This sound is definitely aimed at the music lover who relishes density and envelopment over dispassionate observation. The Arkana Physical Research signature is intensely vivid and involving. It is recommended for those of appropriate financial means who want to experience the leading edge of the new organic frontier.
Quality of packing: Standard postal cardboard shipping box. Components were protected with poly wrap, poly tubing and plastic mesh. Cables were sent as non-commercial samples without regular retail containers.
Reusability of packing: Relatively lightweight but should survive their return journey unharmed.
Condition of components received: Perfect.
Delivery: Parcel post.
Website comments: Simple and effective but dealer information would be helpful.
Human interactions: Friendly and timely.
Warranty: Limited lifetime warranty
Availability: Available from dealers in the USA and Russia. Customers from other countries can order direct. Contact manufacturer for specific details.
Final comments & suggestions: The most convincing cable loom I’ve hosted. Organic and musical, it pushes you to enjoy the music rather than just listen to it.

Arkana Physical Research website