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Sonically however there was less of a difference. Though quick A/Bs weren't possible, the difference between a properly dressed set of power cords in the Furutech versus the Amare Musica was marginal. We tended to like the Amare Musica just a bit more than the Furutech.

When we repeated the same exercise for the ‘amplifier setup’, that is the system around the Pnoe horns where we had a choice of Trafomatic Kaivalya tube monos, Hypex Ncore 1200 class D monos and during the review period also an AbysSound ASX-2000 80wpc Class A transistor stereo power amp all connectable to either the analog sources or a variety of digital sources, we encountered the same ease of cable dressing. Sonically however there was no difference at all. In each case we made sure of proper power phase alignment verified with the Kemp Electronics polarity checker.

In conclusion we think that the Amare Musica Silver Passive Power Station is a (rock)-solid offer that makes life with heavy stubborn power cables a lot easier. Its electrical qualities are not exceptional but simple and well implemented. Its looks contribute to cable clutter prevention. On the downside we see two items. The first is the use of the generic read cheap Schuko outlets*. Here better quality sockets might be considered. And whilst working on that, maybe Amare Musica could contact Fritz de Width in Holland about his ideas on using copper sleeves on top of the outlets to cover the incoming connectors and thus shield the most vulnerable junction of a power cord. An idea for a MKII version perhaps?

* As we learnt after a fact check, these nickel-plated outlets were in fact custom-manufactured for Amare. About power cord shielding, it is often overlooked that most connectors themselves aren’t shielded to create an access point for RF and EMI. That’s why certain manufacturers machine solid-metal sleeves for their connectors whilst de Width promotes after-market solutions for the same purpose. Next time you see a very costly power cord with HF-transparent plastic housings for its connectors, you might consider it in a different light.

Condition of component received:
Packed in generic box with plenty of protective foam.
Reusability of packing: Yes but only a few times.
Website comments: Straightforward in Polish and English.
Completeness of delivery:  Includes white anti-slip cotton gloves to prevent finger print stains.
Human interactions:  Friendly and responsive.
Remarks: The use of seemingly general nickel-plated Schuko sockets is somewhat disappointing. With for example Furutech rhodium-plated sockets the price becomes justifiable. For those who think the power station reflects too much light, the unit can be ordered in any RAL colour.

PS: In mid 2018, a reader from Uruguay contacted us. He had purchased gear from Amare direct but never received the product. For many months the reader attempted to receive satisfaction but to no avail. He has neither been shipped the product he paid for nor been issued a refund. As such, we cannot in good conscience let this review on Amare goods stand without adding this warning. Ed

Amare Musica website