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But if another striking quality becomes supporting evidence of these Classic cables‘ total transparency, it’s their superb transmission of harmonic content and note decay. Piano sounds mesmerising in its hammer-to-string clarity and the resulting decays linger only to subside naturally and most sweetly. This harmonic fidelity in addition to the transmission of intact dynamic contrast and profound levels of detail make for a verisimilitude to real instruments that astounds.

You want to talk about soundstage and imaging? That’s always the result of a system’s performance as an entire discrete entity. But let’s just say that the soundstage seemed to extend a tad deeper, a smidgen wider and more enveloping with the Siltech cables. Images were defined, full-bodied and placed as discrete entities within a homogeneous whole.

Siltech synergy. The Siltech Classic Anniversary cables have been designed by an engineer with profound materials knowledge. They’re meticulously constructed by Dutch craftsmen and come from a company with a long and respected record in the industry.

Within the context of my system these cables were nothing short of outstanding. They provided a pristine yet never sterile conduit for the signal to flow through. They were dynamic, extended at both extremes, beautifully balanced and harmonically spot on. The profound level of information provided promoted the listener’s involvement and the assurance that whatever is in the pits, grooves or even digital stream will pass unblemished and intact.

In my system the speaker cable in particular was one of two standout performers among the dozens I’ve auditioned over an epoch of audiophile exploits (stay tuned for a review of the other contender). What does a reviewer do when an item under examination elevates his system sonics to produce more involving and enjoyable music? Does this lead to a continuous merry-go-round of gear purchases? Limits have to be set, sanity has to prevail especially in light of other recent component upgrades within our systems. Nonetheless Mr. Siltech, at the risk of financial distress and matrimonial disunity, negotiations for these cables must be under way now…
Siltech website