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Comparing the Robusto with the almost twice as expensive MIT Magnum AC1 was not entirely fair since the AC1 features a parallel filtering circuit and is perhaps more a line conditioner than cable. Nevertheless it offered an even quieter sonic backdrop in which musical lines were slightly better defined. However the Robusto’s greater openness, beguiling smoothness and rich textural density were missing. To use a wine analogy, the Robusto’s character was not unlike that of an excellent rich full-bodied red wine while the other cables were more like a fine dry white wine with its lighter sharper textures.

The Robusto power cords gave my system a shot of adrenaline to sound bigger, bolder and more powerful yet also smoother and more relaxed. In some ways this was quite different from the Wireworld Silver Electra and MIT Magnum AC1 cords which both exhibited an overall clarity and character that seemed more neutral or true to each component. Did this mean the Robusto cords were adding something that wasn’t there to begin with? Or did they pass more music signal and the others were stripping away some harmonic complexity? Hard to say. Perhaps it’s easier to simply say that the Robusto brought the music in a little closer with a richer smoother balance while the other two had a slightly more distant leaner perspective.

All three cables performed way better than stock cords but which is best? I suppose it depends on your system and what sort of presentation you want. Cop-out that it might seem, I could live with any of them but going to the proverbial desert island I’d give the edge to the Robusto just as I would to a case of red wine over white.

Sablon Audio’s aptly named Robusto power cable does all its maker claims at a reasonable price. It definitely exhibits a unique sonic flavor and is perhaps not ideally suited for already warm systems or for all tastes but for those to whom too much contemporary audio and recordings worship at the altar of so-called resolution and detail albeit at the expense of harmonic richness and musicality, the Robusto may be music to the ears. It certainly was to me.

Quality of packing
: All it needs to be.
Reusability of packing: Appears reusable several times.
Quality of owner's manual: None required.
Condition of component received: Flawless.
Completeness of delivery: Perfect.
Website comments: Good. Plenty of info.
Human interactions: Professional and friendly.
Pricing: Compared to everything else out there quite reasonable, perhaps even a bargain.
Final comments & suggestions: Sablon Audio has a line of interconnects and speaker cables forthcoming.
Manufacturer’s Comment:
Dear Paul,
I wanted to formally thank you for the time and skill you put into your carefully crafted review of my Robusto power cords. Your efforts have uncovered their true character and I'm delighted you enjoyed them so much. I certainly can’t disagree with your comments about Robusto’s sonic flavor as I too have personally found many neutrally voiced items to be musically unpersuasive. The low noise floor of the design is a key contributor in both uncovering the ambience of recordings and infusing musical verve. 

In order to help more of your readers to experience Robusto I have extended my introductory price offer into 2011 and hope enthusiasts will take the opportunity to experience the additional coherence and scale of a full system loom. In closing I'm extremely encouraged by your findings and will have a challenge on my hands to develop their performance further without losing any of their innately pleasurable character!

Best wishes
Mark Coles
Owner, Sablon Audio

Sablon Audio website