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Tung-Sol. This Russian which ships stock for the ModWright preamp was decidedly more lit up and sharper than the two Chinese. Emphasizing this balance were simultaneously lighter bottom octaves and a stripping of inter-note stuff (what I think of as connective tissue). While a quickie comparison could at first believe this to be greater clarity—the best word would actually be crystallization—any longer session should show that this effect is achieved by shifting listener focus on more foreground data. One becomes rather less conscious of surrounding supportive threads. This presentation felt more like upper mid-level transistors. The prime quality was vivid clarity with a touch of hyper focus and reduced depth of field. For being less well balanced and more overt in its tendencies, I'd rate this bottle as less advanced than the previous two.

Mullard GZ34 rectifier

ElectroHarmonix. That Russian valve was of very much the same flavor as the Tung-Sol. Particularly vocals sounded a bit more hollow and recessed however and there was more overall coarseness to make for the least sophisticated reading. If you desire a more solid-state sound from a 6SN7, I'd go for the Tung-Sol.

The Psvane tube runs noticeably cooler than the others. You can actually pull it out with your bare hands.

In some quarters referred to a as a big-tone tube and routinely used as a 300B driver, I think of the 6SN7 as a deliberate textural booster. It's simply what this tube does and wants to do. Granted, you may not want or need that. But then I'd stay altogether clear of this type instead of fight nature by cheating with a lesser specimen only to deliberately undermine these particular qualities. Relative to my mini assortment—there's a mother load of rollable options out there I don't yet have any experience with—I call the Psvane first for being most sophisticated at this very job. The Create Hifi champions a cooler fresher edgier flavor which I view as equally mature and dialled. Simply based on my ancillaries and bias, the Create becomes a useful shifter when amp and/or source already conspire to their own 6SN7 flavorization. Too much of a good thing is no longer good.

Having essentially side-lined my 300B*-based Woo Audio Model 5 for being too close in performance where I can't justify two extra chassis taking up their own shelf, I consider the LS-100 a fantastic headphone amp. Naturally for such apps its valves must run ultra quiet. As indicated earlier, the Psvane appears to be unusually immune to structural microphonics. At least the pair I ended up with seems tailormade for headfi applications. 290 smackers later I'm satisfied with having taken a chance on this upscale Sino CV-181T. Incidentally Marja & Henk in Holland report that Psvane's EL84s take my white Trafomatic Audio Kaivalya monos well beyond their stock Russian 6P14P-EV bottles. Based on their feedback designer Sasa Cokic has performed some rolling of his own. He's since opted for Psvane's 845 for his forthcoming IT-coupled stereo amp with C3m input and 45/2A3-switchable drivers. Mind you, this isn't meant as any blanket endorsement for the brand. It's simply additional feedback from listeners who roll valves extensively. It seems as though this company's sonic quality might be quite consistent from tube type to tube type. Having Grant Fidelity handle all customer service and sales for the West is the icing on the cake. It takes out the stinger which, let's face it, can accompany direct transactions with China where cultural and language differences may cause unnecessary grief. Based on my experience as an ordinary shopper, I highly recommend Grant Fidelity and their Psvane 6SN7.

* For some more data points, Create Audio's 300B has many similarities with the best of the modern Czechs, i.e. EML and EAT. If you're familiar with the latter two, transfer their sonic profile to Create's 6SN7. By extension, the Psvane 6SN7 becomes a Full Music Special Edition 300B.

Grant Fidelity website