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I had forgotten that it can output a digital audio stream up to 24/192 via S/PDIF. As my DAC does not feature a USB input, I could connect my PC directly without the M2Tech hiFace USB to S/PDIF adaptor. The enhancement I heard tracked perfectly with what I observed using the AC-12 on my CEC transport - if not more. Using fancy power cables on a gaming rig has to be seen and heard to be believed. Okay, perhaps I’m overdoing audio reviewer exaggeration a tad but the audio and visual improvements noted were real nonetheless.

Back to my standard rig, swapping between the two PS Audio models made it readily apparent that while both were cut from the same cloth, the bigger AC-12 was indeed superior. It simply offered more of the above. If I couldn’t afford AC-12s all round, I’d be inclined to feed amps and power line conditioners with one AC-12 each and use the AC-5 with sources and preamps.

Both PS Audio cables compared well with similarly priced cords I had on hand. The Sablon Audio Robusto is a current favorite with a richer, warmer more open forward in-the-room presentation. The Wireworld Silver Electra is leaner, quicker, more laid back along with offering an amazingly low noise floor. I hesitate to say one was better although I would say that the PS Audio cables were probably the most neutral of the three tonally speaking. The fact is they were all good in differing ways and degrees. It really came down to system tuning and what sort of sound I was after at a given moment. I’m at a point where I can completely alter the balance of my system by just swapping two or three power cables. I can’t say what would work best for you. One thing is for sure - they handily beat any stock cord and they should enhance your enjoyment of music playback as well as of home theater and gaming.

In my system I would have preferred a little more texture and harmonic richness as both PS Audio cables came across a little lean albeit with excellent noise reduction and smoothness. I think this was more of a system balance thing and personal preference on my part. Trying the AC-5 and AC-12 on my dad’s system was revelatory with across-the-board improvements in every musically meaningful way. Conversely my friend Jim tried them in his solid-state system and while he enjoyed the increased bass power and depth, he ultimately preferred the more relaxed presentation of his Wireworld power cables.

Suffice to say, PS Audio’s AC-5 and AC-12 power cables should enhance your system’s performance well beyond what their modest asking price would suggest. This is what I’ve come to expect from Paul McGowan and company. Recommended.
Quality of packing: Nicely packaged in cardboard pizza style boxes.
Reusability of packing: Appears reusable several times.
Quality of owner's manual: None required.
Condition of component received: Flawless.
Completeness of delivery: Perfect.
Website comments: A perfect example for the audio industry. You can spend hours reading through reams of info including monthly newsletters, forums etc.
Human interactions: Professional and friendly.
Pricing: Perfectly reasonable. Won’t require the selling of an internal organ or raiding the kids’ college fund.
Final comments & suggestions: None.

PS Audio website