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On fiscal Moh: "The European retails for our models are €1.250/pr for the Tone, €2.760/pr for the Impressive, Prime and Big Moon and €2.025/pr for the standard Moon. For the Neox we're still finalizing the bill of materials with suppliers of a few parts. Without a doubt however they'll come in below €800/pr."

On Tone details: "The network slopes for the Tone are a 2nd-order low-pass on the mid/woofer and a 3rd-order high-pass for the tweeter. Exact sensitivity values from the Aalto test results show 80.7891dB across the full bandwidth and 81.572dB between 100-10.000Hz. The directivity index is 5.0461, the low-cut frequency is 59Hz -6dB, the high-cut 23.745Hz -6dB and the port tuning frequency sits at exactly 70Hz."

On specials: "We're planning a few special offers to formally launch some of these products to the global market. Once we have dialled in these promotions they'll be on our website."

On activity: "As I told you the Finnish public radio and TV chose us as part of their new gear even though we're passive at the moment. But we're also working on an active version. If everything goes well we'll have a nice surprise next year."

As this photo shows, the crossover components are of fine quality. We already came across Intertechnik in my Zu Audio Druid V review where caps from the same firm showed up in an optional high-pass filter upgrade. Here we also see telltale router marks in the soapstone just as we'd expect them with carved aluminium billet.

Despite the stock photo announcements, handling the Tone in the flesh still caused surprise for very compact dimensions and a cool truly baby-butt smooth finish. Compared to my not exactly massive Gallo Strada2, these chunky monkeys were a munchkin size or two smaller even to warrant Ardán Audio's Elevation stands.

The Irish stands proved nearly too big to accommodate the Tone. At the narrowest setting of the braces the stones barely hit the inner edges of the rubber bumpers. On depth they were shorter than the basic L shape to have me remove the extensions altogether. Properly angled back to align tweeter axes to ears, my customary Wyred4Sound mINT set at 11:00 on the dial for customary levels, I was all set for dual-concentric nearfield focus.

Around back the gleaming terminal plates read Moon, presumably because production was out of proper plates saying 'Tone'. A moon thus took one for the family, perfectly fitting for a publication with moons to spare.

Here's the ancillary context for the desktop test: 160GB iPod + Cambridge Audio iD100 (S/PDIF) or Astell&Kern AK100 (glass-fiber Toslink) into Asus Xonar Essence Muses Edition DAC, Gallo TR-3D sub underneath desk firing sideways, all cabling Zu Event.