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Lo and behold, the piano of "Coils" by Serbian Jazz quartet Eyot from Drifters (a top tip for e.s.t. lovers) increased in body and moved forward. Even the e-guitar and percussion transients had more spatial profile for higher stage presence. That the Simplicité or S/PDIF differ from a laptop or USB I'm used to. The notable if not dramatic gain in spaciousness I'd here lay at the feet of the loaner's various inputs. Now a few words on connecting analog where the signal faces A/D conversion first. This extra stage telegraphs as a minor dulling and lower drive. "Treble brilliance and transparency are reduced, stage dimensions shrunk a bit" is how my notes put it. But the core virtues of neutrality, bass power and fatigue-free listening continued at a high level. The analog input remains a valid alternative even if the speaker's top potential is best pursued with already digital sources.

Again, fans of ultra-spacious sharply sorted soundstages should pay close attention before deciding blind. Particularly in the milieu of small monitors many boxes specialize in this discipline at a higher level. Those with other priorities meanwhile should delight in the areas where the small A-300 approach the extraordinary. Nubert's engineers have solved the conflicting goals of LF reach, SPL stability and box size to a really brilliant degree. Even fans of tower speakers (yes, it's true!) should give these a try. What's more, in this sector you'll be hard-pressed to find another speaker which less meddles with the tunes. Well-balanced tonality, impeccable dynamics and satisfying resolution make for a pleasing non-fatiguing experience. Trim by way of four i/o options, A/D conversion, digital-direct drive and volume/balance/input control by remote nearly make the nuPro A-300 into a complete system. At this quality you nearly couldn't get there for any less.

Psych profile for the Nubert nuPro A-300...
phenomenal low-bass reach coupled to surprising output stability
• high neutrality like good studio monitors which particularly excels at immaculate vocal playback
• stunning macrodynamic reach with immediate well-structured quick bass
• good microdynamics
• complete freedom from noise even during quiet passages
• friendly non-soft tonally straight treble with satisfying resolution and differentiation
• realistic staging where competing two-way monitors however can offer more on localization focus and plasticity
• plain but quality finish and comprehensive featurization

• Concept: 2-way ported active with DSP, A/D and direct-digital drive
• Dimensions & weight: 37 x 22.5 x 27.5cm HwWxD, 8.6kg
• On-board power: 2 x 100 watts per side
• i/o: USB, coax, Toslink and analog in, subwoofer out
• Power consumption: <1 watt
• Finish: Gloss black or white
• Other: remote volume/balance/input, treble/bass trim
• Delivery: credit-card remote, power cords, USB, Toslink and coaxial digital cables
• Warranty: 2-years, one-month in-home trial
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