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But the nuLine 34 tracked other differences between the amps just as well. Both staged stably but the pre/power combo cast significantly more depth. Events previously on the line between the speakers now had moved farther back behind them. The nuLine 34 thus had the virtue of big space pegged as well. What else to say about its character? Youtube offers a video impression of the mentioned Terakraft album. It's anything but audiophile though mastering has poured on plenty of reverb sauce which is so beloved by high-enders. The rhythm of "Awa Adouina" did get my feet tapping but the nuLine 34 rendered it somewhat less driven and minimally relaxed. That simply was the price to pay for its truly impressive bass capabilities. But I did say 'minimally' and meant it.

Rhythm is important for the cut but not its core appeal. The core appeal is about the power of music when endowed with a political message. Terakraft or caravan is a predominantly Touareg formation whose lyrics are often commentary on the political and economical upheavals of their people whose settlement area spreads across politically highly volatile African nations. The linked clip demonstrates both sincerity and intensity of their music. That these musicians meant to send a message which reaches the listener both emotionally and intellectually was so patently obvious over the Nubert that I can't rate this quality highly enough.

Again, at €670 the pair, I found absolutely nothing to nitpick with Nubert's nuLine 34. Defying regulations I kept them around for a long four months. During this period I accepted them without reluctance as daily transducers despite being used to seriously more expensive kit. They went low and loud enough, were sufficiently uncolored and a pleasure to look at. And all that from a small apparently unexceptional enclosure. For someone used to thinking he needed far costlier bigger speakers, this was a humbling learning experience.

The Nubert really plays it honest. Listener favors aren't curried with superficial effects but with non-fatiguing long-term fitness and a maturely balanced presentation. Obviously there are certain partial disciplines in which far dearer speakers will exceed it. What impressed me deeply with the nuLine 34 was its overall coherence however. Small compromises are so cleverly integrated that one only spots them during 'critical' listening. In daily use the nuLine impressed solidly week after week. Remember how did this tale began? I said that I'd been curious to host a pair of Nuberts in my own four walls. Now I understand why this company grows so rapidly that they can barely keep up with their own success. In matters of price/performance ratio, the nuLine 34 works at the very front line of the economic war. Respect!

Psych profile...

• Surprises with bass extension which relative to enclosure size is completely unexpected. For all normal intents and purposes a subwoofer really is superfluous. Even so designer Günther Nubert still entertains the notion to author an electronic black box for the 34 to lower its -3dB point to a firm 40Hz.
• Is tonally surprisingly neutral with just a slight tendency toward the lit up in the lower treble which is easily addressed with careful positioning. The vocal band particularly on male voices leans into the more sober and cool side of neutrality.
• A minor dip in the transition between drivers mellows out overcooked fare but pays with a touch of presence loss on voices.
• Is well timed but rhythmically a tick more relaxed than driven.
• Soundstages with excellent breadth and width.
• Is effortlessly and sufficiently transparent to clarify differences between upstream electronics.
• Plays it very 'straight' by not adding gloss or softening transients. An honest speaker.
• A rear-mounted treble switch accommodates small differences in room acoustics and tastes.
• Conveys a counter-intuitively mature impression. Heard from behind a curtain is guaranteed to create admiration which will far exceed the affordable and small physical reality.
• Offers a brilliant sonic return on a small monetary investment.

• Concept: 2-way bass reflex monitor
• Trim: Real wood veneer in Cheery or Nut. Multi-layer lacquer in white, black or Platinum.
• Sensitivity: 85dB/1w/1m
• Nominal impedance: 4Ω
• Dimensions and weight; 34 x 21 x 33/31cm HxWxD without/with grill, 9.5kg/ea.
• Other: One-month return privilege, output adjuster for the tweeter
• Warranty: 5 years with private use
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