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The Magnum AC-1 cables displayed several of the traits of MIT’s Duplex Super (reviewed here) i.e. less hash, smoother more pristine highs, a cleaner midband and greater focus. They also exhibited a bit more weight and punch down low with a greater sense of ease. Textures were more apparent and life-like. Tonally the AC-1 offered a warmer balance. Inserting additional AC-1 cables into my system increased these traits if only incrementally so. Swapping in the AC-1 from the wall outlet to the BPT power strip that feeds my system offered the biggest difference followed by the cables powering my digital components.

Compared with the half-priced Wireworld Silver Electra, the Magnum AC-1 was more full-bodied with greater bass extension and weight. The Wireworld cables were more lit up and leaner in texture, with a tighter grip on the bottom end that made bass lines a tad more lucid and propulsive. Both excelled in reducing line hash and excess sibilance, with the MIT pushing ahead by a nose. Both are excellent and it comes down to system synergy and listener preference.

The Magnum Digital improved upon the already fine Shotgun Digital with its smoothness, greater apparent bandwidth and image focus. As with the interconnects and speaker cables, there was no trace of excessive sibilance or highlighted treble. Coherence, balance and a terrific sense of a powerful yet relaxed ease were the order of the day again. Perhaps the Magnum Digital did not offer a huge improvement over its less expensive sibling but it was a noticeable and worthwhile uptick nonetheless.

In conclusion, the MIT Magnum M1.3 cables plus Magnum Digital and Magnum AC-1 power cables combined to deliver an overwhelmingly enjoyable listening experience far beyond what I thought possible from a bunch of mere wire. Yes these are expensive but they pretty much laid to waste every other cable I have tried. If I seem over the top in my praise, it’s because that’s where they sent me. These are the  best I have heard yet and I do not see that changing anytime soon.

If there was a product that supports the notion that audio cable should be regarded as components rather than accessories, the MIT Magnum M1.3 cables are it. Or to use a hockey analogy—another favorite personal obsession—the MIT Magnum M1.3 cables are the Sidney Crosby or Zach Parise of audio cabling. They make just about everyone else look like a popsicle. You know - a stiff with a stick.

Quality of packaging
: Excellent
Reusability of packing: Appears reusable several times.
Quality of owner's manual: Excellent. All cables ship with instructions and brief description of the various networks.
Condition of component received: Flawless.
Completeness of delivery: Perfect.
Website comments: Excellent. Plenty of info, charts, graphics and even patent info complete with links to more detailed descriptions and schematics.
Human interactions: Professional and friendly.
Pricing: Yes, the upper range Magnum cables are certainly expensive but the price was in line with performance.
Final comments & suggestions: MIT cables just might be the ticket for your system - or perhaps not depending on your preferences. One way to find out is trying a set. Recognizing how difficult this is for the average punter, MIT has a home-lending library program. Just beware of quick A/B comparisons and always try interconnects and speaker cables from a single manufacturer as mixing and matching will lead to frustration and sonic discombobulation.
MIT Cables website