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Marja & Henk
Financial Interests: click here
Sources: PS Audio PWT; PS Audio PWD; Dr. Feickert Blackbird/DFA 1o5/Zu DL-103; Phasure NOS1 DAC [in for review]Streaming sources: XXHighEnd PC; iTunes; Devialet AIR
Preamp/integrated/power: Tri TRV EQ3SE phonostage; Audio Note Meishu with WE 300B (or AVVT, JJ, KR Audio 300B output tubes); Yarland FV 34 CIIISA; Qables iQube V1; Devialet D-Premier; Hypex Ncore 1200 based monoblocks; Trafomatic Kaivalya
Speakers: Avantgarde Acoustic Duo Omega; Arcadian Audio Pnoe; Vaessen Aquarius
Cables: complete loom of ASI LiveLine cables; full loom of Crystal Cable cables; Nanotec Golden Strada #79 nano 3; Nanotec Golden Strada #79; Nanotec Golden Strada #201
Power line conditioning: Omtec Power Controllers; PS Audio Powerplant Premier; PS Audio Humbuster III
Equipment racks: ASI amplifier and TT shelf
Sundry accessories: Furutech DeMag; ClearAudio Double Matrix; Nanotec Nespa #1; Exact Audio Copy software; iPod; wood, brass, ceramic and aluminum cones and pyramids; Shakti Stones; Manley Skipjack; Blue Horizon footers [in for review]
Room treatment: Acoustic System International resonators, sugar cubes, diffusers
Room size: ca. 14.50 x 7.50m with a ceiling height of 3.50m, brick walls, wooden flooring upstairs, ca 7 x 5m with a ceiling height of 3.50m, brick walls and concrete floor downstairs.
Price of review item: Tuning Board from €399 to €499, Tuning Combi feet set from €99 to €119, Tuning Cable Elevator set €119, Tuning Record Puck €99

Bamboo is special. It grows far more rapidly than most other plants and can reach enormous heights over a very short period. Its roots can penetrate almost anything and easily crack solid concrete. In urban gardens where bamboo is planted without strong nylon restraining nets, those roots can wreck real havoc. In its original habitat, bamboo is food for humans and animals alike although modern city slickers can get canned bamboo shoots in almost any supermarket.

Not only a mighty grower, bamboo also is one super-strong building material. In Asia giant high-rise scaffolding is built from bamboo whose low weight and cost make it preferable to galvanized steel piping. Bamboo is also much in demand for its hardness. Processed in a special fashion bamboo is twice as strong as oak and hence a welcome budget-friendly flooring alternative. That same hardness and soft price are also why bamboo cutting boards are popular. Many audiophiles shop Ikea more or less voluntarily and bring back these boards which make nice DIY shelves for audio gear.

There's a downside to the use of bamboo of course. With high demand and popular pricing, the will to grow and harvest bamboo in an ecologically sustainable way is rare. We all know the poster child victims of the ever-so-cute panda or bamboo bear munching on shoots.