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JohnBlue Audio Art comments:
Hi Frederic,
Thank you for taking time and care in auditioning our product. We respect your honesty and we appreciate your comments, including the not so positive ones. As the designer of JohnBlue, I am prepared to take criticisms and use them constructively in strengthening my designs in the future. And you have justly pointed out that both Srajan and David had positive findings on the JB8 and JB3. For those I am very grateful. However, as the designer of products is like the father of his children, I would like to say a few words about my child who didn't perform up to your expectation.

In Taiwan, the JB4 has been receiving highly favorable comments among the 3/5a users and that encouraged us to boldly present our single driver speaker as a serious 'contender' to the legendary 3/5a, contender (or rival) meaning 'as good as but in a different way', not a 'replacement' and definitely not a clone. Knowing the limitation of single drivers, any single drivers, our JB4 is no exception. The frequency range is only 45-18,000Hz and bass is nowhere near floor-shaking thumps. However, outside these limitations, I'm sure there are a lot more sonic attributes and inner beauty that are worth discovering and enjoying. In fact, the JB4 has received favorable reviews in Taiwan and Australia and also in One reader said our JB4 driver is his best choice.

Difference in opinion makes audio interesting. Thank you.

Yours truly,
Tommy Wu