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I’ll freely admit my ignorance on how these compare to the best efforts by BPT, PS Audio or Running Springs. They may very well do the same thing. All I know is that regardless of whether on the Esoteric C03, Wyred4Sound STP, Genesis GR360, Esoteric A03, ASR Mini Basis Exclusive—all transient champions that would reveal any form of rounding over or softening—I could not hear a change in those qualities between running straight into the wall or through the Isotek conditioners. But I certainly could hear more silence, less grudge and the benefits in resolution and imaging - without any reduction in dynamics, the boogaboo that's previously had me cold on the whole idea.

So that’s what you will be paying for if you get the top-line Isoteks. It means that many systems actually won’t need them. Actually in even a revelatory system, running almost $9000 worth of power filtration is a luxury I could never afford if the gear had not been here on temporary loan. If you run low-efficiency speakers and any of the common push-pull tube amplifiers; if you listen in a room with some level of background din; the little bit of transient speed gained with those pricey filters will go unnoticed and there are many cheaper options on the market (including Isoteks) that will serve you just fine.

In my case, I would not use a Nova with my McIntosh MA2275 integrated and 86dB efficient FJ OMs as I could not hear much if any difference to my $500 Monster filter. My main system was a different story however. The non-limiting quality of the Isotek filters was immediately obvious but so would be the hole in my kids’ college fund.

So there you have it. No hyperlative "with these filters, I could hear a fly fart in the middle of Mahler’s Third". The Isoteks work exactly as advertised when it comes to filtering out noise and grunge. Their speed, transient fidelity and apparently bottomless current capacity is what you will pay big bucks for. Whether your system needs—or would audibly appreciate—one of these units is for you to decide based on priorities and wallet weight. If transient fidelity is one of those priorities and your system is already optimized for it... then Nova and Titan definitely belong on your list.  
Quality of packing: Good.
Reusability of packing: A few times.
Ease of unpacking/repacking: Easy.
Condition of component received: Flawless.
Completeness of delivery: No issues.
Website comments: Complete and informative..
Human interactions: Mainly with former US distributor Gary Koh, now a new importer is in place.
Pricing: Up there. Way up there.
Final comments & suggestions: Investment in the top-line Nova & Titan is warranted only for systems where utmost respect of microdynamics and transient accuracy is desired. For simple noise and grunge removal, cheaper options exist (including in Isotek’s line) but they all have some effect on microdynamics and transients where the Titan and Nova do not.

Isotek website