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An older photo of an earlier Schuko version showing the TMOVs

Most of us simply don't have sufficient outlets to run an entire system straight off the wall without extension cords or outlet multipliers. We never know what going wall-direct for an entire system would sound like. Years ago I ran on balanced power via massive top-quality Plitron isolation iron from BTP. Since then my preference has been for the faster leaner effects of Walker/Furutech-type passives. Would the GigaWatt add protection without extracting an audible price?

I thought that would be the most likely question. My current layout has the amp/s between the speakers run off one power strip; and the line-level components on the right side wall plugged into another.

I'd try the GigaWatt in either location. Purists always suspect particularly the high-level connection of current limiting (which of course depends on how your speakers load the amp/s and at what level you listen). I'm neither a head banger nor whisperer. My speakers and I probably sit right in the middle of normal. Would the power amps plugged into the GigaWatt strip suffer any audible current starvation?

A photo of the current version with the new plasma spark gap

"For most of our customers the type of protection is a minor matter. Most important is the effectiveness of the protection and the final sound." Clearly Szubert believed you can have peace of mind and superior sound both.

On break-in he again was very level-headed. "I think that one week working under load (10 days are better) should be enough to burn in both the PF-2 power strip and LC-2 MkII power cord. The important thing is to connect the PF-2 to the wall with the LC-2 MkII and no other cable since that's the intended set." [Cross section of LC-2 MkII at right.]

To generate a constant load would have required non-musical intercession by way of our refrigerator. Alas that unit is built in solid to obscure access to its AC connection. Having nothing else 24/7 industrial at hand, the hifi system it was, albeit most assuredly not at a constant clip.

Running the GigaWatt for a good month on whatever amplifiers were on rotation during reviews, I slowly clocked the recommended hours. I didn't notice any profound sonic effects good or bad to have me suspect that if nothing else, I'd gained inaudible protection. That's be the hifi equivalent of safe sex without any rubberised damping.
