We have spent more than two years to develop the VRDS-Neo MK5 mechanism, targeting lighter weight and lower cost while keeping the VRDS concept. The Mk5 is only a reduction of the P03 mechanism from a cost standpoint, not performance. To achieve this, we had to find new ideas from the beginning.

For instance, in the P-03 mechanism, the motor is set above the turntable while the turntable and the spindle motor are fully integrated. In the Mk5, we have changed the motor position and moved it below the turntable. As a result, turntable and motor are separated when the disc comes in or out. Once the disc is in, it is clamped with the turntable, the motor is reconnected and from that point the mechanism operates like a P03. In addition, the mass of the turntable had to be reduced to use a smaller spindle motor. A hybrid structure for the turntable, with a polycarbonate base and aluminum, helped suppress vibrations. Finally and surprisingly, the clamping disc evolved into an open-reel shape, reminiscent of the identity of TEAC.

Following the successful monaural concept of the D01 and borrowing from the separate L/R channel circuits of the D03, we focused our development efforts on the Dual AES-Link connection between the P05 and D05. We also adopted a new 32-bit D/A converter device for the D-05. A normal LSI (large-scale integrated) concept is usual more price-conscious and aims for a smaller size; this new LSI keeps more space and allows room to work on sound improvement in the same fashion as we do for our circuits designed on PCBs.

In addition, we focused on improving the clock quality and adopted the VCXO with ±3ppm accuracy in the D-05. When you use the P-05 and D-05 together, we strongly recommend to use the WORD SYNC function for best results. Later, if you can upgrade to our Esoteric G-0Rb or G-03X, you enjoy even better performance. We also added a new function that will improve performance between the D-05 and the products which do not have a WORD SYNC function, such as a satellite broadcast tuner etc. When you connect with such a product, usually the D/A converter becomes slaved to the source and the internal clock of the DAC is not used. Our new "PLL2" mode in the D-05 allows the D05 D/A converter to be synchronized by the high-quality crystal of D-05 clock.

Sound tuning
Using the VRDS-NEO concept, Esoteric players aim to extract all the information which is recorded on the disc. But we also strive to add more feeling and enjoyment of the music. Thanks to the above L/R channel separation concept implemented in the P-05/D-05, we also tried to produce high-quality imaging and a sense of space without diminishing the exact tonal foundation of each note. We hope we accomplished our goal.