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Alex Yeung at the 2010 HK High End Show of Hong Kong
Show system with Spendor BC-1 speakers, MacBook, MiniMax DAC, new Avant fully balanced tube preamp, BBA, new M88 integrated and M520 integrated in the foreground
Avant and BBA
Avant open from the back. Tube complement is 2 x 12AX7, 5 x 12AU7,1 x 6X4/6Z4. Features include separate high tension and filament transformers, full remote control and polarity inversion.

New M88 integrated amplifier
M88 from the rear. Tube complement is 2 x 12AX7, 3 x 12AU7 and 4 x KT88. Ultralinear push/pull power output is 2 x 32 watts. Fixed bias is confirmed with an onboard meter. For features, there are 4 x RCA and 1 x XLR inputs, polarity inversion, full remote control and integrated/power amp conversion.
Garrard 301 of Alex's friend Alan with MiniMax CD player, preamp, integrated and DAC
Garrard with custom plinth and 12-inch arm
MiniMax phono stage

The complete system one more time

Clearly Alex Yeung and his Eastern Electric brand have come a long way since the first MiniMax component launched.
