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More demanding music with a lot going on at once drove our particular combination a bit on edge. A little more backup power would be nice in such cases. At the time we had a KR Audio Kronzilla SX-Eco on review. Though only rated at 50wpc, that Czech design is a tube amp. Tube amps routinely sound louder than their equally spec’d solid-state brethren. Making sure that the impedance setting on the Kronzilla was at 8Ω and the eco switch at environmentally ‘unfriendly’ i.e. in SET mode, we gave this combination a try.

Handling difficult loads is not a forté of the Kronzilla but the Arabesque seemed benign enough to where we did not anticipate any issues even at higher volumes. Where we expectedly had no issues playing the SX-Eco at high levels into our 16Ω 100dB and 107dB hornspeakers, the current combination with the Crystal Cable speakers worked out better at lower settings. There the full glory of the tube’s character came into bloom. Rich bass and silky tops had our attention. At higher volume levels these characteristics got a little lost and things flattened out. There was no distortion per se. This combination simply reached a certain point that said enough is enough.

We do own a second D-Premier so what about setting both of these stereo amps to mono? We loaded the specific configuration on two additional SD cards and rebooted—it’s a great thing this amp works like a computer—then selected a master-slave connection. The speaker cables too had to be rerouted. With now a whopping 2 x 400wpc on hand, we had to apply this power very gingerly. With one remote control steering both amplifiers, real power boating came to mind. Whether it was the matching shininess of finish or not, this combination was magic. Even though the speakers are not demanding per se, the extra power reserves performed wonders. It seemed the bass region fleshed out and in its wake image sizes expanded.

For proof we cued up Saint-Saëns’ Dance Macabre from Reference Recordings’ RR-82. Here we were treated with a live-sized Minnesota Orchestra. This piece of music always triggers cartoon-ish images like dancing skeletons. Besides that, the full orchestra is put to work from the lead violin being tuned down and up at left to the tympani in the back interlaced with a cutting triangle. When the voluminous tutti kicked in, the Arabesque Minis really worked the room tightly without any hint of breakup and under brilliant control from the hybrid class A/D monos. A high damping factor can be a great means to enjoy music with conventional dynamic speakers. Even during these dense passages we managed to discern all manner of musical details, proving that this compact speaker didn't get confused but simply scaled up in output in linear fashion.

At levels not far from realistic—a full orchestra gets really loud and we have both the space and privacy—we noticed that the vent in the Mini was breathing heavily. The air shooting out had even the leaves of the plants behind the speakers in motion. But not only orchestral power pieces played effortlessly .So did our favorite Blues Rock. Musically of course that is a rather less challenging exercise as the tonal variety is far from the complexity of a symphony orchestra but the constant beats of drums and bass create their own punishment. Here we enjoyed the same obvious evidence of control and utter lack of breakup, harshness or smearing.

Even though this speaker was baptized the Mini, its performance reached way beyond what the name implied. Do not be afraid to introduce this speaker to a larger or even very large room. When placed properly such that room and speaker work as a team, this David easily beats out many Goliaths. Remarkable indeed!
Quality of packing:  Unknown. Speakers were delivered by dealer.
Condition of component received: Speakers had been demonstrated at a few shows and showed a few minor scratches.
Quality of owner's manual: N/A
Website comments: Manufacturer’s website needs some maintenance updates for links that show empty pages.
Pricing: Not overpriced for the sound and build quality delivered.
Human interactions: Professional, friendly and honest (distributor).
Remark: This speaker is fully in line with the Crystal Cable philosophy of advanced techniques and musical qualities packed in ultra modern very attractive designs.

Crystal Cable website