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In some ways it is unfortunate that the Charisma Audio Function speaker stands came bundled with the AS-3/5As for this review not because they didn’t perform well but rather that they represent a serious effort in their own right to merit more than short shrift. Mr. Li took a look at conventional metal stands and obviously found them wanting. He rethought materials and form in favor of thick plate and cast metal to replace folded metal and tubes. Leveling spikes were made adjustable from top and bottom and three rather than four spikes make for superior stability all with locking rings and oversized  massive threaded covers. Floor protectors are included. He recognized that the package had to be aesthetically polished as well as mechanically intelligent and as a result his design decisions at this price point seem very thorough.

For a comparative basis I put the Function stands up against my own Targets. While those are by no means state of the art they represent what's in use in the vast majority of middleweight audiophile households. They do a lot well for their moderate cost and perform quite effectively when suitably damped. The Function stands are designed to deliver quite a leap beyond. Let’s examine the differences. The Target employs folded and welded sheet metal. The Function’s thick plate and reinforced cast metal is inherently less prone to resonance. This weakness in the Target can be largely addressed with generous amounts of internal damping but the Charisma Audio design already starts out with significantly less of a problem. The Function’s cast central pillar combines rigidity with a shape that doesn’t radiate resonance into the listening area but rather breaks it up. The heavy machined plate is also significantly better damped than the Target‘s folded metal. The sand filler becomes a matter of fine tuning rather than a cure for an intrinsic design flaw.

Beyond resonance control there is a difference in ergonomics. The Function’s tripod base is not merely nice but a functional pleasure. The ease of setup compared to a quadruped arrangement left me wondering why this  three-footed arrangement is the exception rather than norm. Only a handful of manufacturers have taken this route and Charisma Audio executed it well. The Function arrangement exhibited better stability and faster setup time and made the Target stand tedious. On all fronts the Function Stand proved to be well thought out.

How did it perform? The quality of construction and design played out as you would anticipate to contribute no detrimental character and allow the AS 3/5As to blossom unfettered. With tweaking and time, the Target stands fared reasonably well and I was able to achieve a very close sonic match albeit with the Target exhibiting a little more aggressiveness in the upper mids and a little less definition in the bass but the exercise only obviated the difference in effort needed to achieve the end result. The Function stand was not simply better but a fundamentally superior design. Mr Li has managed to make an auspicious statement with his first product.

The Audio Space AS-3/5A is an attempt to recapture the ideals of a musical legend. Does it succeed? I believe yes. It captures a balance of musicality and resolution that has become endearing to generations of listeners. That success poses an even larger and more interesting question. How competitive is this design in the modern market? Certainly in the mid 1970s the LS-3/5A along with the Quad set the standard of their class, forcing designers to match or better those efforts in the aspects in which they excelled and to surpass them in bandwidth and dynamics. It was a tough challenge then but haven’t time and technology marched well past this aging little impresario?

The answer to that question is not according to the sonic evidence. The AS-3/5A doesn’t play as an exercise in nostalgia. It hammers home the fact that 36 years later the design remains a relevant standard. The little Audio Space AS-3/5A now awaits an audience to guarantee it a place in a small circle of classics.

I recommend it for those who can live with its shortcomings and adore its strengths. A subwoofer remains mandatory for full-range performance. If you are in the absolute resolution and transparency camp and have found it to lead to a progressively smaller circle of acceptable recordings and diminished musical enjoyment, this may prove one perfect antidote. Priced upscale of the inexpensive clones and downscale of the aging used classics, this speaker is affordably attractive for LS-3/5A devotees and newcomers prepared to be won over. The Charisma Audio Function stand demonstrates a successful rethink of the ergonomic and acoustical requirements needed to improve the concept of the stand at its most basic level and indicates Mr. Li’s desire to play seriously in this game. The Function stand is being offered at a very aggressive price and by High End standards is both bargain and a true reference at this tier. It's a strong recommendation for anyone considering stands for appropriately sized monitors. Both products are sold through authorized dealers.

Quality of packing:
Speakers are double boxed with generously thick polyester foam caps. Good protection against mishap. Individual cloth bags provide for storage. Stands are single boxed in triple thick cardboard with thick polyester foam padding to be well protected.
Reusability of packing: Yes.
Condition of components received: Flawless.
Delivery: Hand-delivered by distributor Charisma Audio.
Website comments: Well laid out and informative.
Human interactions: Professional and friendly.
Warranty: Audio Space AS-3/5A 2 years; Charisma Audio Function stands 1 year.

AudioSpace website
Charisma Audio website