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An examination of image and soundstage presentation proved revealing too. These properties were altered consistently in both systems. Insertion of the Silent Plugs caused an immediate increase in center fill specificity and solidity. Forward projection of information increased without affecting previous depth information, creating both more dimensional instrumentals as well as more solid and larger hall information. The removal of the upper frequency overlay of ‘noise’ also resulted in a considerably cleaner picture. Distances, separation of instruments and acoustics were all better defined and the parameter of height became more recording dependant rather than system created.

While all of these changes occurred in an absolute sense, the next step was to weigh them in relative terms. How perceptible would those characteristics be for the average listener? For a seasoned audiophile the difference would be night and day. For most it would be easily noticeable after their ears locked into the nature of the changes. How did the Silent Plugs compare with the control Telos RCA RFI/EMI plugs?

The Telos removed some HF grit but maintained a closer frequency response to the unshielded signal. They also contributed improvements in image focus and detail enhancement. The Telos product made legitimate gains but unfortunately relatively minor on both an absolute level and against the Audio Exklusiv product. The effects of the Silent Plug were greater by an order of magnitude as Mr. Schönberg predicted. To be fair the Telos claims no anti-resonance properties and assuming that both devices work to similar effect on shielding, the conclusion must be that they were not performing the same task. The Telos had been introduced precisely to challenge the manufacturer’s vibration management claims. Challenge met. Having examined absolute and relative virtues, the last unanswered question is what the two systems sounded like with the Silent Plugs in place.

The DA&T combination with both the Audio Technica ATH W1000 and especially the Swans M200 Mk III was an enjoyable proving ground. The DA&T DAC allows a high level of computer audio playback up to 24/192 both as headphone pre and dedicated DAC. The Swans are self-powered bi-amplified desktop monitors that sound as good as they look especially given a quality source component like the DA&T. That already high level of established performance was elevated further with not only more information but a more involving presentation. The critical lower midrange and midrange was more lifelike and imaging was considerably more dimensional, allowing the nearfield monitors to create a good sense of envelopment. Listening sessions were extended and dangerously enticing as evidenced by the recent increase in musical purchases.

When the Silent Plugs were introduced into the main system they had to contend with what should have been a formidable handicap. All components were already armed with a host of excellent anti-resonance control devices. The 45lb/20.5kg AudioSpace Reference 2S preamp where the plugs would see most duty is structurally inert as a block of steel. Could the Silent Plug make a further contribution?

Yes again. There was a greater push into the organic. The Apogee, Bel Canto, AudioSpace combination became more seductive, digging deeper into the sensual midrange glow of the 300B tube complement of the Audiospace preamp. All qualities of midrange authenticity, dimensionality and soundstage solidity which tubes bring to the table were enhanced. The interpretation of recordings gained more human proportions and became more enjoyable. Old reference material did standard duty but new music which on paper lacked the same pedigree was revealed to have quite a bit of charm. The most surprising benefit was with CD playback. The plugs effectively reduced those characteristics that differentiated Redbook from high-resolution files and also successfully blurred the lines of what separates digital from analog. Given more relevant data to work with, the system painted a more realistic picture.

Conclusion. The Silent Plug works as advertised. The effects were obvious and did not require break-in time or any special setup to reap benefits. It was truly plug and play. The Audio Exklusiv plugs also showed their benefits in a system already serviced with extensive vibration management. That would categorize their abilities at the very least as moderately effective in the hierarchy of available resonance control devices - not as drastic as a full-blown vibration support platform but enough to warrant serious attention. Since the problem they address appears to be indiscriminate of component cost, the product should elevate the performance of any system. The price is modest enough to make it extremely attractive to many listeners.

While one could look upon this tweak as a fine-tuning device, I would treat it as important as anti resonance platforms or feet. Eliminating an error at the start is cheaper than compensating for it at the other end. That’s not fine tuning but intelligent planning. Who should be interested? Anyone with an open RCA input or output jack especially on their preamp. The Silent Plug is a worthwhile and relatively inexpensive improvement that is highly recommended. Available through authorized dealers.
Quality of packing: Attractive retail display box.
Reusability of packing: Yes.
Condition of components received: Perfect.
Delivery: Hand delivered by Canadian distributor Charisma Audio.
Website comments: Extensive and informative.
Human interactions: Professional and informative.
Warranty: 2 year parts and labour
Final comments & suggestions: A fresh idea. A solution that proves there was a problem. The plugs stay.

Audio Exklusiv website
Canadian importer's website