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At the end of the day, has Audio Art met its objective of creating a family of cables that rivals the performance of the cost-no-object designs? Is the HotRod modification a success?

Speaker cables
: Those do exhibit the characteristics of the high-priced competition. Properly matched, they pretty much do it all - neutral response, low noise floor, effortless delivery, control, dynamics, lack of grain, soundstaging accuracy with the ability to convey the volume of a space and differences in scale - full check list.

Interconnects: The interconnects are quite good. They offer tremendous articulation and bass control. Noise floor and grain are low, transparency is good. The reproduction of changes in dynamic level is a very convincing strength and pitch definition seems exemplary. The cable is balanced between the analytical and organic camps by giving a reasonable measure of both. The sheer drive the cable can pull out of a recording is addictive.

Power cords: The power cable makes a convincing argument for the necessity of its inclusion in any good system. The merit it offers by allowing the power supply to function properly cannot be overstated. This slides the purchasing hierarchy from a "would be nice" to a "must have" category.

Value: Will the much higher priced competitors give you more? They should. The benefits of even better and more exotic materials and connectors should continue to be evident at higher price tags as well. The better question is whether or not that extreme high price tag will purchase you proportionately better performance? That question plays directly in Mr. Fritz’s favor. The Special Edition cables are overachievers which push the bounds of what can be reasonably expected at their price and beyond. They offer an upscale level of performance with a relatively small price tag. If you want better performance than this, be prepared to spend more to achieve it. The law of diminishing returns is on the side of our hotrodder here and the AudioArt Special Edition family of cables are easy recommendations. AudioArt also offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee

Quality of packing:
Standard shipping box. Individually labeled Ziploc bags. Bubble wrap styrofoam padding
Reusability of packing: Yes.
Condition of component received: Perfect.
Delivery: As promised (to the day)
Website comments: Well laid out. Informative.
Human interactions:Professional and friendly.
Warranty:One year against defects in material and workmanship. 30-day satisfaction guarantee. I suspect they see very little of their product shipped back.
Additional services available: Cable break in service for $12.50 per pair (or single in the case of the power cable).
Final comments & suggestions: Bargain.
AudioArt Cable website