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The IC-3 interconnect at optimum proved quite formidable in its abilities and showed an elegant set of compromises. The tonal balance illuminated the midrange through upper midrange with an artful blend of transparency and dimensionality and was able to produce a slightly recessive but very broad, deep and transparent soundstage. As pretty much a direct price comparison, the budget Madison Audio Lab Extreme Standard 1 and 2  ICs paraded a different set of priorities. They created a riveting 3D midrange and lower midrange that epitomized organic solidity at the expense of some hall information. The Madison could carve an instrument from thin air. The Audio Art Cable IC-3 wasn't quite able to match that dramatic dimensionality but showed the ability to place that instrument with a little more accuracy and more upper frequency air on a bigger soundstage. Bass on the Madison Audio Lab was more detailed and flatter as far as it went but the Audio Art Cable dove deeper and with greater dynamic conviction.

Up the financial ladder the SE version of the interconnect was voiced more firmly in the transparency camp, gaining articulation, control and a flatter response as well as a bigger and more accurate soundstage but in the process lost some of the midrange illumination of its lower-priced sibling. The SE was less forgiving and demanded more of the system around it to contribute dimensionality and warmth. The Classic had a little bit of those characteristics inherent in the package.

The loftier Madison Audio Lab E3 Extreme 1s showed greater accuracy in both frequency and soundstage precision, demonstrating superior resolution especially in the lower midrange through bass and better dimensionality than the IC-3. The Classic IC came across a little cooler and transparent against the Madison but showed equivalent dimensionality in the midrange, greater apparent extension in the upper regions plus more slam and weight in the extreme bottom octaves. Refinement versus exuberance.

The SC-5 Classic speaker cable was only pitted against pricier fare and had to work harder to prove its reputation as a contender. First match was against its big brother, the SE. The Classic had much of the sonic character of its Signature Edition, exhibiting a very neutral tonal balance with good extension, power and very open soundstage but the SE enhancements reaped gains on all fronts - transparency, absolute definition, control, dynamic inflection, soundstage reproduction and lower-end authority. Where the SC-5 was good, the SE consistently provided a little more of that good thing.

The Madison e3 Extreme 2 speaker cables were still further up the financial chain and champions of resolution, natural warmth and soundstage precision. The Madison showed far greater detail descending from the midrange through bass, equivalent midrange authenticity and a more detailed but a less prominent upper range. Soundstage precision and hall detail were superior on the Madison by a small degree but extreme bottom-end kick and weight went to the Audio Art Cable. Again a good showing by the SC-5 which has the heart to communicate the music but gave way on absolute refinement.

Conclusion. So where does our merry band of Classic cables sit on the current playing field of cable technology? For the most part they are surprisingly well positioned. The IC-3 interconnect managed to come away pretty much unscathed against the best competition in house when used with Audio Art Cable’s own SE power cable. In that circumstance, resolution and dynamic agility started to close in on that of the higher-priced competition. Not quite there but unnervingly close. Factor in that some systems may benefit from the little extra midrange/upper midrange push and it may prove an interesting alternative for those willing to trade away a bit of lower midrange dimensionality and ultimate soundstage dimension. So consider it still a feisty budget reference product that can hit well above its price point.

The SC-5 speaker cables proved similar. A slight step down in resolution and dynamic swing but again with the benefit of the SE power cable edging pretty close. The Special Edition and Madison Audio Lab e3 Extreme 2 speaker cables earn their higher price tags with greater control and resolution than the Classic can achieve but for the difference in cost, pretty close may serve a large number of people extremely well. It remains a comfortable budget reference that can deliver enough of the sonic goods not to be embarrassed by the higher-priced fare.

The Power 1 Classic is a more interesting conundrum. It is certainly still a worthy leap in performance over lightweight stock cable and will add newfound power and bass weight plus a captivating lushness of midrange to your system but the ‘hot–rodded’ SE model shows that the heftier price tag will buy you better performance. In this instance the Power 1 Classic emerges as a solid performer but doesn’t quite match the extreme overachiever status of its companion Classic interconnects and speaker cables. It remains good value though. For those who find good isn't quite good enough, Mr. Fritz happily offers two alternate enhanced versions of the Classic Power cable with different sonic flavors at price points below the SE version to fulfill those needs. Since all four of these power cords are variations on the same core cable, it proves quite a vindication for the versatility and potential of the original design.

Recommendations? The Audio Art Cable Classic interconnect and speaker cables will perform close to pedigree caliber in well appointed systems and play the middle ground for those wanting a good balance between midrange dimensionality and transparency for very little money. People who want more of either extreme will want to make alternate choices. Otherwise this is a safe and easy recommendation. The Power 1 will appeal to those who are looking to introduce power and a touch of warmth into their system and find its forgiving nature to their taste. Those looking for more precision will want to aim a little higher in the line. A quality entry point into the world of upgrade power cables at an attractive price. Available Internet direct from the company website and through authorized international distributors.

Quality of packing:
Sturdy single box cardboard. Cables groups individually labeled and bagged and protected by poly foam nuggets.
Reusability of packing: Yes.
Condition of components received: Perfect.
Delivery: By USPS.
Website comments: Ever expanding website to meet its growing product line. Highly informative with home page spotlighting current specials.
Human interactions: Courteous and responsive.
Warranty: 1 year parts and labour, 30 -day money back satisfaction guarantee
Final comments & suggestions: Suitably accurate and enjoyable. They perform well enough to satisfy most critical ears. You don't have to tell anyone that they're inexpensive.

AudioArt Cable website