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Finally, the overall level of noise decreased as well; be it from the new arm, upgraded cable or both. Something in the new setup contributes to much reduced surface noise and hiss. Possibly the only element I could critique on the Acoustic Solid tonearm and cable is ultimate resolution. Retrieval of the finest details advanced over the Rega arm but in this price range, VPI's JMW-9T Signature for example goes further still. In trade, you'll have to give up a hint of fluidity and the ease of interchangeable head shells.

I did not intend to write a formal review as this was just an attempt at taking my vinyl setup one step farther before embarking on a comparison of multiple phono stages. To be honest, I also didn't expect more than what one usually gets from upgrading to a nice cable. After all, the RB300 is a very good arm to begin with. What I got instead was quite a revelation, a significant step forward in the direction of the best vinyl systems. I am not saying that a $2500 turntable and $300 cartridge suddenly became the equal of six-figure vinyl rigs through the magic of a $1700 arm change. I'm simply saying that with this arm on one of these German tables, you will get you a solid taste of what those systems do but for a price that is still reasonable. The naturalness, effortlessness and huge and enveloping soundstage which the best analog systems achieve can be spectacular and the new Acoustic Solid/Ortofon tonearm gets you started down that path with all the added convenience of an arm that's got an interchangeable head and standard DIN connectors.

Very highly recommended either as an upgrade to your current setup or better still, as an upfront package deal with a new Acoustic Solid turntable. Why waste time when this experience proves that you won't know the true potential of your system until you move up from the Rega RB300? Believe me, if you go Acoustic Solid, you will want the WTB211. It's a sure-fire thing.

Quality of packing: Very good.
Reusability of packing: A few times.
Ease of unpacking/repacking: Easy, small screws and hex keys in individual bags.
Condition of component received: Perfect.
Completeness of delivery: No issue.
Website comments: Functional.
Human interactions: Always very responsive and helpful.
Pricing: Great value (same price as similar Ortofon arm but offers high quality phono cable in addition).
Final comments & suggestions: Don’t wait, get one right away with your Acoustic Solid deck, it’s mandatory.
Acoustic Solid website