Blue Fingerprint Awards
In June 2013, Polish contributor Wojciech Pacuła awarded Bakoon's HPA-21 headphone amplifier his Red Fingerprint Award. I'd independently concluded much the same in my own review of it to arrive at a Blue Moon Award. By syndicating his findings and annexing them as an integral Part II of my review, I thus arrived at what would have been two separate awards. But that seemed silly. So I simply posted the above with the suggestion to consider it shared between our two publications. Of course I couldn't resist adding that one perhaps might think of it as a blue fingerprint. Wojciech loved that idea and voilà: the Blue Fingerprint Award. It'll be very rare as it requires that both of our publications independently review the same item and award it independently. It's really not a new award category per se. It's simply a way to combine two recognized distinctions from our two publications into one single format...